Sunday 13 November 2011

Gazza On TV

I don't know why I got so mad last night, but we settled down to watch Pierce Morgan interview Gazza.  It started off ok then came the 4 bottles of whisky per day and the lines of coke, I was near death crap.  I got up and went to bed. 

He made choices about being fit and well, we all make mistakes when we are young, with drinking that one to many, partying a little too often but the majority of us grow up.  He liked the publicity, fans chasing him around but really what did he do to encourage respect .. nothing.  Does he want the world to feel sorry for him because he himself couldn't keep off the booze. 

Was it 11 months since he said he had drank, he looked like he was on something to me last night unless the booze has really addled his brains.  Why is it if celebets (if that what they want to be called) go off the wall its major news and vast forced interest by the papers and TV on us. 

Is Gazza going to become like George Best, requiring a liver to stay alive.  Look what George Best did he took  a liver opportunity away from a more deserving person and to rub salt into the wound, went back on the booze.

Maybe because as I have grown older or probably due to all the meds I take I just don't really bother whether I have a drink or not.  Once in a while I might have a glass of Champagne, a glass of wine or a B & C but I can take it or leave it.  You can replace drinking spirit with drinking non spirit, if you drink a lot do you still get a high or if its a regular input does it affect you at all (apart from the slurring of speech)?

Many a time I would have loved to drink myself to sleep to forget what I have to face, but I know the hangover isn't worth it together with the fact that it doesn't achieve anything.  With a Alcoholic not only do they have the hangover but they have the shakes, the vomitting, the cramps - why inflict them on yourself?

Sorry Gazza I think you should shy away from the publicity and sort yourself out.

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